Show DIV from controller

Use 'render :update' in your controller action:

  render :update do |page|     # manipulate page here   end

Without seeing your code I am just guessing here, but make sure your link_to_remote (or other remote call) does not contain the :update => some_id option. If it does, the rjs won’t be executed by the browser.


comopasta Gr wrote:

That won't work because the form is being submitted through a standard post rather than an xhr call. Take a look at the api docs for form_remote_tag at


comopasta Gr wrote:

In your controller, if your object is not valid, just render the action again. In the view, add an if around the div or set a variable equal to ‘hidden’ or ‘visible’ and use it directly in your style tag. That would only display the div if there are errors. Slightly dirty, but it will work.


comopasta Gr wrote:

Check out the blog post at CodeFU:

I've tried a few plugins to do ajax-like file upload but this simple, clean approach has been the best so far.