I’m not that lazy for avoiding to type “–full -T -O” every time I
create a new gem.
By the way I don't get why 's.add_development_dependency "sqlite3"'
is added to gemspec when -O is specified.
The problem here is that it seems inconsistent to me for a plugin
not to be an Engine. I don’t even understand why we have so many
concepts for extending Rails, like plugins, Railtie and Engine.
I guess it would be better to provide a single approach for
extending Rails 4.
In Rails 1, you could get an app-like tree in your plugin and they
would be automatically added to the Rails application. It still
seems to be the case for generators, for example:
But then, things changed a lot and what Rails 1 used to call a
plugin seems to be what an Engine currently is:
Except that the Engine API is better designed than plugins were by
that time.
But it doesn't seem consistent to me that you can just drop
generators to lib/generators in your plugins, but can’t drop your
assets in lib/assets.
So, I guess that what I'd really want is to always create engines
and call them plugins.
I can't really understand why you consider useful to have plugins,
engines and railties as separate concepts.