I will deploy my sites with Passenger.
I develop on windows with Instantrails so I should now use vmware if I
want to have passenger also used during development. But is it really
needed? Does it make much difference if I use Passenger or not for the
development environment?
I don't use Passenger in development. I'm running osx, but that doesn't matter. I can't think of a reason to run passenger in development...
Passenger absolutely rocks for development, particularly when you work
on multiple apps.
Add some local domains like yourapp.test to /etc/hosts. Then anytime
you want to hit your app, just load it in the browser. No fiddling
with starting/stopping mongrels. Plus, stuff like concurrent Ajax
requests will actually work.
To go one step further with this convenience, set up dnsmasq and map
*.test (or whatever top-level domain you want for local development)
to Then you can do stuff like subdomain-based accounts
without adding every one to your /etc/hosts.
This setup is awesome for designers, too. Everyone on your team has
the full app running locally with no fuss, so they can work on view
code and CSS and see the results live. The way it should be.
I recently signed with a new hosting company and I'll be using
Passenger. I plan to work with several apps and Passenger is new to me.
I'm still on my way to deploy my first app (move it from somewhere else
actually) and since I know I have to fight first with rails 2.3.3 I
wouldn't want to spend much time with Passenger. So unless my
development setup without passenger would be a problem when deploying I
would like to do the passenger stuff later on.
But I'll get into it for sure so your points are of great help.
Thanks a lot for the comments.