Helllo there,
Can any one help me on this “Session Expiry”
I just want to make the session expire when the system goes idle
how do i do it
yours , Narayanan.cj.
Helllo there,
Can any one help me on this “Session Expiry”
I just want to make the session expire when the system goes idle
how do i do it
yours , Narayanan.cj.
CGI::Session.expire_after 2.hours
many thanks Donald , even i was looking for this
whether the session get cleared by default or only when the page is idle.
Senthil Raja
CGI::Session.expire_after 2.hours
that's not entirely true. the above mentioned code only works with the dynamic_session_exp plugin. without plugins for CGI::Session there are only few methods like new or delete (http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/ classes/CGI/Session.html).