Same form I've been working on for 2 days now. I've slimmed it down
now from 4 models to 2 to try and narrow the problem field.
The controller only defines two areas. [new, create]
In my form I have a <%= forms_for :user, @user %> section.
In my controller I have:
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
@dealer =[:dealer])
@user =[:user])
@user.roles << Role.find(3)!
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid
render :controller => 'dealers', :action => 'new'
if ! @dealer.new_record? && ! @user.new_record?
flash[:notice] = "Dealer, User and addresses saved!"
redirect_to root
What is now happening is if the dealer parameters are wrong. It throws
up validation errors like expected. If the dealer params are correct
but the user params are wrong then as exepcted nothing gets saved to
the db thanks to the transaction. BUT the page gets rendered as an
edit_dealer_id page. with a new hidden field telling the form to
submit via put method. And of course that dealer id doesn't exist as
it never saved to the db.
How is this even happening. I don't have edit/update controller
functions or views. This is just being generated on the fly and is a
really big pain. Why wouldn't it just render the correct page like
when the dealer params are incorrect. Something has gone horribly
wrong somewhere and nothing is working like i'd expect.
Expecting to get rendered: The same form page I've created at the :new
action with the Invalid model notices from my model validations.
What is getting rendered: A form that LOOKS the same, with my Invalid
model notices but now does not POST to the :create action. The form
has magically changed my hard coded input to post to the create action
into a :put method to the :update action.
I know it's kind of an obscure problem. Maybe later today I'll post a
git repository with the code needed to recreate the problem.
Expecting to get rendered: The same form page I've created at the :new
action with the Invalid model notices from my model validations.
What is getting rendered: A form that LOOKS the same, with my Invalid
model notices but now does not POST to the :create action. The form
has magically changed my hard coded input to post to the create action
into a :put method to the :update action.
Have you checked the html of the page to see exactly what is being
generated incorrectly? View, Page Source or similar in browser.
Yes I have that's how I know it's changing the form method to PUT to
dealer/id/edit. It's also adding an id of: edit_dealer_id_{#number}
where {#number} is an actual digit.
I may be wrong, but I think rails uses the new_record? method to
decide whether the form should be posted to the create or the update
action when you do something like <% form_for(@dealer) do |f| %>. Are
you sure your transaction is working correctly and that everything has
been rolled back? Can you verify that @dealer.new_record? returns true
after the failed transaction?