Seeing /🆔format in my production urls

On my development server, everything works fine. When I deploy to my production environment, I see the following in my Urls:

I am using the same routes file, which is the default routes file.

Am I missing a configuration?



Also, I checked the production.log and this is the only entry of interest I came across:

Processing MainController#personal_projects (for at 2007-02-16 05:52:54) [GET]   Session ID: 4851f0a98872d79e7f38322e528f0dc8   Parameters: {"action"=>"personal_projects", "controller"=>"main"} Rendering within layouts/main Rendering main/personal_projects Completed in 0.02278 (43 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.02159 (94%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK [ personal_projects/:id.:format]

Anyone have any ideas on this?

Anyone have any ideas on this?

On my development server, everything works fine. When I deploy to my production environment, I see the following in my Urls:

I am using the same routes file, which is the default routes file.

Am I missing a configuration?



Hi Scott,

Just ran into this. In Rails Edge there's a typo in config/ routes.rb . Remove the period from this line, and you'll be all set:

< map.connect ':controller/:action/:id./:format'