Second App in localhost

Env: In VirtualBox / Ubuntu Lucid / current stable version of Ruby on Rails / Apache2 / Passenger

I have one app called "firstapp" hosted in my localhost I think i added one entry to apache2.conf file to view this app from the browser.

So, now i can access this from the browser Note: I had a long walk to get this working in my browser.

Now, I am afraid to create my "secondapp" Ofcourse, it is simple to run the command "rails secondapp -d mysql"

but can some one please tell me what other commands/files i have to run/modify in order to view this in the browser. ( for now , pls ignore the models / views / controllers.. that will be part of building the secondapp.. )

which config files i should modify? apache2.conf and ??

Can I have both the apps running simultaneously? (probably using different ports, since mine is a localhost and uses ip . )

Currenlty using *:80 for first app. Can I use *:81 for second app?

Can someone summarize it as it overwhelming for me to articulate the steps for secondapp setup, in terms of apache2.conf and viewing in browser?

thanks, radha

Ofcourse, my "firstapp" and "secondapp" (both) are ruby on rails apps.

RailsFan Radha wrote:

Env: In VirtualBox / Ubuntu Lucid / current stable version of Ruby on Rails / Apache2 / Passenger

I wouldn't consider this question on-topic for this forum. You're questions aren't Rails related, but rather Apache & Passenger related.

If you intend to deploy using Apache/Passenger then go find the appropriate documentation or forums to set those up correctly.

If you simply want to run two instances of Rails on you local (development) box then you can just run them on different ports:

firstapp: ./script/server (port defaults to 3000)

secondapp ./script/server -p 3001

In this configuration Apache/Passenger aren't needed at all. This is standard practice for how I run my Rails applications in development.

When it's time to deploy for other people to use then Apache/Passenger is a great way to do that (although not the only way). At this point, however, you will need proper domain names for your different sites. No user is going to want to have to use any other port besides the default 80. So to run multiple sites on one box you need to give them either different domains or run them under different subdomains.

Hi Robert,

thanks for your response. thanks for clarifying that I don't have to touch apache and passenger for this. yes, this is purely for local development purposes only. Of course, when I host it externally, i will have separate domain names.

since, i want to create multiple rails apps in my localhost, i want to esnure that i am taking atleast a simple path. It is a big relief to know that i don't have to tweak these apache2 config files. thanks a ton!

(and sorry if u felt that this was off topic originally. but i really wanted to get the rails developers point of i am on the road to developing two different rails apps in my local machine)

- thanks, radha.

Robert Walker wrote:

For developing I just use "mongrel_rails" locally... no messing around with apache configurations, and easy to specify which port number to start on, so several instances can run at once (and another running through Netbeans for breakpoint debugging).

I have this apache2/passenger / rails stable version stack running in ubuntu. Do u think i could change to mongrel_rails now ?

Michael Pavling wrote:

Update: I have only couple of sample rails apps running in this stack. How easy/tough it is to switch from apache2/passenger to mongrel rails?

thanks, radha

RailsFan Radha wrote:

sudo gem install mongrel cd example_app script/server

That should pretty much do it :slight_smile: