Hey all,
I have a Topic and a Post model, topics have many posts and posts
belongs to a topic.
I would like to find all posts which topic name = 'xyz'. How could I do that?
those are my models attributes:
so I guess it would something like:
Post.find(:all,:conditions=> something with topic_id and topic.name smile )
You need to learn about associations by either reading Agile Web Development with Rails or searching the api at api.rubyonrails.com
You do this the same way. Determine WHAT you’re searching on and then write the finder.
Or use find_by_sql and do it the hard way
Or get really clever and use some advanced Ruby (see the constantize method on the string class in the Rails api.
Also, google for “beast” which is a ~500 or so line forum written in Rails by Rick Olson, a member of the Rails core (and a really swell guy!) You might find some answers there.
Associations are a basic thing and you need to get those down before you move ahead to anything bigger. The Agile book mentioned above is where you should start.