Scaffolding Question

Hello,       I am creating a management system and used scaffolding to create the setup for the admin portion. I have it linked to an Account database, and the new account form is filled with the fields from the database. Some of the fields in the database are not meant for the user to fill in but the system itself when the record is processed. What is the best way of going about making those fields invisible to the form? Basically, I need the system to input data to those records as needed.


Sincerely, Michael Novak

Scaffolding in Rails 1.1.6 is very rudimentary. For beginners it is better to stay away from it. Rails 1.2 RC1 scaffolding is much better and you can use it as a good start for your project.

In 1.1.6, the view uses reflection to iterate through all the fields in the database, so you must change it to display only the fields that you want to be visible to the user. You have to use tags for each field that will generate the html elements. Look at the docs at for more details.

Mike wrote:

Hello,       I am creating a management system and used scaffolding to create the setup for the admin portion.

Scaffolding is really just example code, not intended for production. Like the word scaffolding implies, it's meant to be temporary while you get your application up and running.

Get a Rails book like Agile Web Development with Rails ( - the 2nd edition is supposed to ship any day now. It's a great book for someone new to Rails. I also really liked Ruby for Rails by David A. Black ( as well, as it focuses a bit more on the Ruby language while still giving you the fundamentals of solid Rails programming.


The Scaffolding Extensions plugin [1] can do that.


[1] Peak Obsession

As others have said, scaffolding gives you a starting point and you will very quickly out grow it.

I would suggest building your own forms and methods to handle the fields, but stay away from hidden fields (they are too easily hacked). You will learn more about how Rails work and become more secure and productive in the process.

Also, if the fields are super sensitive, check out attr_protected (ActiveRecord::Base)

I recently started playing with ajax_scaffold and it's pretty impressive. One thing I noticed, was that any field containing "_id") was not shown in the scaffold GUI.

For example, I appled the scaffold to a table which had the following fields: "id", "person_id", "attribute", "value"

In the scaffold GUI, all that was shown was "attribute" and "value".

I agree that building your own CRUD interface is best but.. if you're even remotely as lazy as I am, you could just suffix a field with "_id" and it *might* be hidden.

Check it out @… setup was exteremely easy:

gem install ajax_scaffold_generator ruby script/generate ajax_scaffold Attrubute ##for table named attributes

--then open http://<server>:<port>/attributes :slight_smile:

Good luck

It's a nice GUI. I think it hides the id fields because these are basically glue to hold the tables together. Ajaxscaffold still gives you way to add associated information to models (I think).

Ya... right now, I have an images table with blob images. --would be nice if scaffolding interpreted the content/type and rendered gifs/jpegs/pngs automatically :slight_smile:

and "new" or "edit" gave me the "file / upload" option :slight_smile:

New ajax_scaffold version 4.0 does support _id, and even realizes if there has_many, belongs_to, habtm associations so you can show them by default or redefine representation for each and any controllers and fields in that controller, as well as way more points of configuration.

This version is a major redesign of the plugin. You will see it yourself soon.

Keep tuned for ASp. :slight_smile:

All the Best! Sergey. Ajax_scaffold junior developer :slight_smile:

x1 wrote:

I cant wait!