Perhaps "cascade" is the wrong word. Basically, say I have two
entities in a habtm with a join table: Orders, Contacts, and table
contacts_orders. When updating one from the other, updates don't
always occur. Perhaps that's simply a timing issue.
I'm not sure how the other plugins deal with it, but with Scaffolding
Extensions, you don't edit one from the other. Each model object can
be edited separately and you can add and remove associations to other
model objects, but you directly edit one model object from another.
The biggest issue, though, is that, for whatever reason, "streamlined"
treats habtm relationships as though they're unique. For instance,
when I do successfully add (via checkbox) a Contact to Order #1, he
can't be used for Order #2. Not that it should affect it, but I've
tried with and without explicit foreign keys, with and without
indexes. I have *no* idea why it is behaving that way.
I haven't used Streamlined, so I'm not sure why it would behave that
way (unless contact belongs_to order). With Scaffolding Extensions,
each contact can have multiple orders, and each order can have
multiple contacts, so you wouldn't have a problem with multiple orders
each associated with the same contact.
Just out of curiosity, which of the plugins would you say is more full-
featured (yours or 'streamlined')? I'm on a tight deadline to get a
demo running and I'm needing the most realiable, quick-fastest (as far
as implementing) plugin out there.
I haven't used Streamlined, so I can't say. From what I know about
it, it's a combination plugin/generator, while Scaffolding Extensions
is just a plugin. If Scaffolding Extensions meets your customization
needs, it's probably faster, but if you need to customize each form
beyond the options the plugin gives you, you may be better off with
something else.