Same file in different apps

Well say if i need app/models/abc.rb of an existing application ABC into new application DEF, then what all i need to do? There are so many files i need to be shared but did'nt have any fair idea how to get it.

So rubians :), please help me on it. I think writing plugin is a fair idea.

Hemant Bhargava wrote in post #985888:

So rubians :), please help me on it. I think writing plugin is a fair idea.

Now, i thought of writing a plugin. So steps i done:- 1) Creates new rails app. 2) Creates plugin using ./script/generate plugin "NAME".      This will create necessary files in vendor/plugins/"NAME" dir. 3) Changed vendor/plugins/"NAME"/init.rb to include the lib file. (/lib/"NAME".rb)

4) My lib/"NAME".rb looks like this.      module "NAME"        def hello          return "hello"        end        def world          return "world"        end      end 5) Creates a model and included the plugin into that model using require.      require "NAME" I think this all is OK upto now. But after it when i go to console and type NAME.hello why does'nt it work.. It should work, right? Or i am missing something.

Can anyone out there light me up :slight_smile:

Why don’t you just copy the model over to your new application?


Falling at the last hurdle - if you want to add a module's method to a class you need to use include (require just loads the file containing the module - it doesn't then do anything with that module). You can then do
