Hi everybody!
As you may know, we are organizing RubyConf Argentina 2011, November 8th-9th @ Ciudad Cultural Konex, Buenos Aires.
Here is a list of the confirmed speakers: Aaron Patterson, Shugo Maeda, Scott Chacon, Matt Aimonetti, Luis Lavena, Konstantin Haase, Norman Clarke y Tom Preston-Werner.
We will be finishing up the speaker line up next week. You still have a few days to send your proposal!
**Don’t miss out and sign up today, you can do this here:: **https://eventioz.com/events/rubyconf-argentina-2011/registrations/new
Early-bird tickets (USD 85) are available until September 30th After that tickets will cost USD 100. Tickets include:
- Access to all talks during both days
- Access to Ruby Funday Sunday!
- Lunch for both days
- Coffee breaks
- Conference T-shirt
- Drink-up organized by sponsors
- and other surprises
Here are some answers to the FAQ we have been receiving:
¿Why does the conference cost USD 85 when there are conferences that are free?
A lot of people have asked this question and we believe we need to make some clarifications. This is a non-profit event, every penny we receive will be spent on the conference. There are many costs associated with organizing such a big conference (Two-day event space rent, lunch and coffee breaks, online translation, sound system and other expenses)
¿Can I register now and pay later?
Yes, of course. You just have to fill out the registration form and reserve your seat! You can pay later.
Just remember that you have to pay before September 30th to get the early-bird discounted price.
¿Have you considered the people who don’t speak English or Spanish?
Of course! There will be a team to perform live translations in English/Spanish and Spanish/English for all talks. As an assistant you will be able in what language you want to listen to each talk.
¿What is the Ruby Funday Sunday?
We are preparing a special event for the Sunday (November 6th) before the conference, for everybody who is registered. We are planning a set of activities for all levels (Ruby on Rails workshops for beginners, Ruby hackathons for advanced hackers)
We haven’t finished defining the list of activities, so we are still open to suggestions!
We look forward to seeing you in November!
The RubyConf Argentina 2011 Team http://rubyconfargentina.org Twitter: @RubyConfAr