Ruby on Rails -> Friendster or Facebook like website?

Hi guys,

I am new to RoR, and I just installed it on my computer.

I am planning of building a social networking website like friendster or facebook. At first, I was thinking of using Php and MySQL, however, recently, I found RoR which I think pretty cool and start learn about it. Hence, my question is: Should I use RoR or Php to develop the social networking website? Which one is better, easier and (whatever, bla bla bla...)? Any opinions?

I am planning of building a social networking website like friendster or facebook. At first, I was thinking of using Php and MySQL, however, recently, I found RoR which I think pretty cool and start learn about it. Hence, my question is: Should I use RoR or Php to develop the social networking website? Which one is better, easier and (whatever, bla bla bla...)? Any opinions?

Welcome to Rails. First of all, I think the world has enough social networks. Unless you have an incredibly unique idea or just want to do it for the exercise itself, I wouldn't bother.

Second, you're asking a group of Rails programmers whether the framework they're using is good or not. The answer will be as you expect: They will think that it is ;).

Your best bet is to try it on for size. Building anything substantial takes months at the very least. Years more often. Some times even decades. So investing a few days up front on the main technical alternatives you're looking to choose between seems like a sound investment. Then all you have to do is decide what is better and easier for you personally to use.

Good luck.

You might also search the web on social networking book and help sites - a quick search came up with many good hits and that should answer your question on whether or not to use rails. You might pick up a book too, I was looking at RailsSpace the other day at the bookstore and it looked to be well put together and showed a lot of the interesting and cool things you can do with rails. Good luck.

Yep, It's called:

Addison.Wesley.RailsSpace. Building.a.Social.Networking.Website.with.Ruby.on.Rails.Jul.2007

Yeah, the website I want to build is not much different from existing social networking websites. Thats mean u all want me to do more research on RoR?? Sure, I will do it.

Thanks guys for your great responses!!

If you really want to build your own social network, thats fine, but before you do anything substantial take a look at... and

That was cool, thanks for the great links...

Now I have more confident that I can do it also, I will do my best.