Ruby on Rails ExecJS::RuntimeError in Pages#home

I generated a page using a controller. But when I go to the localhost:3000/pages/home. I got this error: ExecJS::RuntimeError in Pages#home

How can I fix this? I found a solution here

but I've no idea where to find ExecJS's runtimes.rb file.

I'm using complete package from here: Install Ruby on Rails – -

Any help will be appreciated. thank you.

Here is the full error code:

Hi,      add in Gemfile gem 'execjs' gem 'therubyracer' run bundle install and check

Regards Mehdi

Khizer Mehdi wrote in post #1122896:

Hi,      add in Gemfile gem 'execjs' gem 'therubyracer' run bundle install and check

Regards Mehdi

Thanks, problem solved :slight_smile: