rss :: Parsing, generation, and caching system for xml news feeds

i am using rails 2.1.0 i installed feedtools gem now i don't know how to use in my app could you please help in that

i am clear about RSS i tried with putting feed action in controller and also tried with .rxml file i am in confusion what to do thats why i am asking

thank you for your response

but when i am calling the index action it is giving authorize error

in my app there are three controllers.. login, clients and users.

main controller is “clients” controller

now i kept all controller code in clients controller def index @clients = Client.find(:all) respond_to do |format| format.atom end end

and all index.atom.builder code in views/clients/ require”feedtool” require”feedreader” require”feedupdate”

atom_feed do |feed| feed.title(“My Atom Feed”) feed.updated((@clients.first.created_at))

for post in @clients feed.entry(client) do |entry| entry.title(client.title) entry.content(client.body, :type => ‘html’) do |author|“EMF”) end end end

Now when i am running it is giving Nomethoderror in clientcontroller#index

undefined method ‘authorize’ for #<clientcontroller::7658n>

could u plz help me solving this