Routing error

I got a routing error when trying to create a note object from inside a property object:

    Routing Error     property_url failed to generate from {:action=>"show", :controller=>"properties", :id=>nil}, expected: {:controller=>"properties", :action=>"show"}, diff: {:id=>nil}

Here's what's going on:

    # Show action from the properties controller     def show   @property = Property.find(params[:id])   @note =   respond_to do |format|       format.html       format.xml { render :xml => @property }   end     end

    # Create action from the notes controller     def create   @note =[:note])   @note.user_id =   respond_to do |format|       if     flash[:notice] = 'Note was successfully created.'     format.html { redirect_to property_path @note.property_id }     format.xml { render :xml => @note, :status => :created, :location => @note }       else     format.html { render :action => "new" }     format.xml { render :xml => @note.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }       end   end     end          # show.html.erb for properties     <% form_for @note do |f| %>       <%= f.error_messages %>       <p>         <%= f.label 'New note:' %><br />         <%= f.text_area :text %>       </p>       <p>         <%= f.submit 'Save note' %>       </p>     <% end %>

The form displays correctly, but gives a routing error when saving. I'm not sure what the error is trying to tell me.

This works fine from the console, insofar as I can call ";" and have it save successfully. How can I do it from a view?

Ultimately, the goal is to populate notes linked to the property_id without resorting to either hidden fields (insecure) or session variables. I thought a form was the way to go, but I'm really stuck.

The form displays correctly, but gives a routing error when saving. I'm not sure what the error is trying to tell me.

The error is telling you that you called property_path(nil) - for whatever reason @note.property_id isn't set.


Thanks. I had suspected as much, but still found the error rather opaque. Still, I don't understand *why* it's being unset, since I'm setting it explicitly in the property controller.

Rather than guessing at why, though, what I'd really like is a reliable mechanism to populate @note.property_id from the properties controller--or perhaps from the notes controller if I can somehow get at the referrer.

Is there a way to call with arbitrary values?

> The error is telling you that you called property_path(nil) - for > whatever reason @note.property_id isn't set.

Thanks. I had suspected as much, but still found the error rather opaque. Still, I don't understand *why* it's being unset, since I'm setting it explicitly in the property controller.

You're not really - you're setting it in the new method, but not in the create one (or are you using the nested attributes stuff) ?


If I call

    @note =

from the console, it properly populates the property_id and passes it onto the note object. I've been trying this different ways, and maybe I don't really understand what's being called when I do it via the web.

At present, I'm calling this from the properties controller, rather than the notes controller, in the show action (which is where I have embedded the New Note form). I'm not sure how to do it in or notes.create, since I don't understand how to propogate the parent ID to the notes controller from the property controller that way.

Can you offer a practical snippet for me to try?