Hi experts
I tried to save data in my Database in RoR but i could not do that.No
Error occured but i had no success to save data.hier is my codes:
in my Controller:
class VorlesungsController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
if @vorlesung.save
render :action => 'index'
flash[:notice]='DEF '
render :action => 'index'
My View:
<%= form_for :vorlesung do |v| %>
Name : <%= v.text_field :Name %> <br>
Name de Professur : <%= v.text_field :Leiter_name %><br>
<%= v.submit 'Speicher'%>
<% end %>
i think that my Form_for is not in correct form because when i delete
create function from the controller everythings is as before and when i
changed :vorlesung in Form_for to @vr an error occured :
NoMethodError in Vorlesungs#new
Thank you for your help
I did it but everythings remains as before
when i changed Form_for into
<%= form_for @vorlesung do |v| %>
an error like this occured:
NoMethodError in Vorlesungs#new
when Form_for remains as:
<%= form_for :vorlesung do |v| %>
after clicking my submit button only the content of textboxes deleted
and no other effect
I did it but everythings remains as before
when i changed Form_for into
<%= form_for @vorlesung do |v| %>
an error like this occured:
NoMethodError in Vorlesungs#new
when Form_for remains as:
<%= form_for :vorlesung do |v| %>
after clicking my submit button only the content of textboxes deleted
and no other effect
Post more of the error message, and any code in the error message.
Showing /home/babak/Management/app/views/vorlesungs/new.erb where line
#1 raised:
undefined method `vorlesungs_path' for #<#<Class:0xb6009cfc>:0xb6008f3c>
Extracted source (around line #1):
1: <%= form_for @vorlesung do |v| %>
2: Name : <%= v.text_field :Name %> <br>
3: Name de Professur : <%= v.text_field :Leiter_name %><br>
4: <%= v.submit 'Speicher'%>
Rails.root: /home/babak/Management
this error occured when my new.html.erb is:
<%= form_for @vorlesung do |v| %>
Name : <%= v.text_field :Name %> <br>
Name de Professur : <%= v.text_field :Leiter_name %><br>
<%= v.submit 'Speicher'%>
<% end %>
and my controller is:
class VorlesungsController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
if @vorlesung.save@status_message = 'Student inserted successfully.'
render 'new'
i think that my Form_for is not in correct form because when i
delete create function from the controller everythings is as
before and when i changed :vorlesung in Form_for to @vr
an error occured :