Routing error for named resources in IE6 only

This is a production problem with Rails 1.2.2. I have a sessions controller with the following actions: new, create, destroy.

I am using named route resources, with a route like this in config/ routes.rb: map.resources *%w(post_states sessions)

In a layout, I have this logout link: link_to 'logout', session_path(session), :method => :delete

When this link is clicked in FireFox on Windows XP or any Mac browser, Rails does what is expected, it generates a call to the destroy method of the sessions controller:

Processing SessionsController#destroy (for at 2007-03-12 20:13:20) [DELETE]   Session ID: 45bbfc98cbfe99eaf4a03fbe8cf4a3a2   Parameters: {"_method"=>"delete", "action"=>"destroy", "id"=>"#<CGI::Session:0x9924024>", "controller"=>"sessions"} Redirected to Completed in 0.03335 (29 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 302 Found [<CGI::Session:0x9924024>\]

Here's the problem. When the link is clicked in IE6, Rails tries to call the index action of the sessions controller:

Processing SessionsController#index (for at 2007-03-12 19:49:41) [DELETE]   Session ID: 1011df9da58b75f0b2c9634dd3d44d49   Parameters: {"_method"=>"delete", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"sessions"}

ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to index)

Any insights would be appreciated. I have other controllers which make delete requests on named controllers, and those actions run without incident.

-- Jeff