In ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\actionpack-2.3.5\lib\action_view\locale\en.yml I see

  activerecord:     errors:       template:         header:           one: "1 error prohibited this {{model}} from being saved"           other: "{{count}} errors prohibited this {{model}} from being saved"         # The variable :count is also available

Where does "model" come from? Where can I find documentation about how RoR (Ruby?) interacts with *.yml files.

Ralph Shnelvar wrote:

In ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\actionpack-2.3.5\lib\action_view\locale\en.yml I see

  activerecord:     errors:       template:         header:           one: "1 error prohibited this {{model}} from being saved"           other: "{{count}} errors prohibited this {{model}} from being saved"         # The variable :count is also available

Where does "model" come from? Where can I find documentation about how RoR (Ruby?) interacts with *.yml files.

I think you're asking the wrong question. The interpolation of {{model}} has nothing to do with Ruby's handling of YAML, but is rather part of Rails' I18N routines. Check their docs for more.

And consider fast_gettext for I18N instead. It's a lot nicer than Rails' built-in system.
