RoR and PHP on Mac

Hi, just want to know… is it possible to have RoR Server and PHP Server on my iBook G4 ? I have installed RoR succesfully and now i want to complete my iBook G4 with PHP server. If it possible, anyone knows about step by step guidance ?

thanks before.



Web servers have to run on a TCP port, you can't run two on the same port.

the default port for HTTP traffic is 80.

I don't think its possible to get ruby and php to run on the same instance of apache, but you can install another apache instance and change the port it runs on to something other then what your RoR server runs on.

Look in the httpd.conf file for the line that says "Listen..."

as long as the number is different on each apache instance you run, you can run as many as you want.

My suggestion, use ports 8080 and 8088 are two known HTTP alternate ports.

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry -- Shows you a collection of known http ports.

] ] ] 267.978.2106

Donny Verdian wrote:

There's no reason why not. I have a MBPro, but used to use a PBG4 and have had Apache2 purring along serving PHP and static pages on port 80 and pointing at virtual hosts on a whole bunch of high number ports (starting at 8000 is not a bad practice). Look into the VirtualHost directive in httpd.conf.

deevee-2 wrote:

There's no reason why not. I have a MBPro, but used to use a PBG4 and have had Apache2 purring along serving PHP and static pages on port 80 and pointing at virtual hosts on a whole bunch of high number ports (starting at 8000 is not a bad practice). Look into the VirtualHost directive in httpd.conf.

deevee-2 wrote:

anyone knows bout step-by-step guidance to install PHP and Apache on Mac OSX

I know it’s out of topic question… but please help me…




"install PHP and Apache on Mac OSX"

Good grief.

hint: type *that exact phrase* into Google and see what happens...

"install PHP and Apache on Mac OSX"

Good grief.

hint: type *that exact phrase* into Google and see what happens...

Why people don't know how to use Google boggles me a lot as well. Especially given that asking that question via a mailing list is a million(exaggeration) times slower in terms of getting results than google.

BTW Donny you can find Google at

PS. Sorry about the rant.

To say something on topic. Yes, I can confirm, s. ross' claim. I have an Apache 2 running PHP and Rails sites via VirtualHosts.

e.g. A rails virtual host

<VirtualHost *>     ServerName rails     DocumentRoot /home/sam/hello/public/     ErrorLog /home/sam/hello/log/apache.log

    <Directory /home/sam/hello/public/>      Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks      AddHandler cgi-script .cgi      AllowOverride all      Order allow,deny      Allow from all     </Directory> </VirtualHost>

e.g. A PHP virtual host

<VirtualHost *>         ServerAdmin         ServerName timereport         ServerAlias timerreport

        DocumentRoot /var/www/timereport/         <Directory />                 Options FollowSymLinks                 AllowOverride None         </Directory>

        <Directory /var/www/timereport/>                 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews                 AllowOverride None                 Order allow,deny                 allow from all         </Directory> </VirtualHost>

The easiest way:

Step 1: Download and run MAMP.

Step 2: There is no step 2.