And how about your Page Controller, did you change it to About Controller?
In your first implementation you’ve used Pages Controller to create your About page. If you didn’t change it to and About Controller you can to do something loke that:
An "about us" page is not a candidate for a rest resource. You had it
fine before.
If you turned your pages controller into a rest resource and moved the
"about" page into the resulting cms, then you might create a helper
method "about_url" that generates the newly correct url.
If you wanted users to be able to create many "abouts", edit and
destroy them, then you would create an "abouts_controller". The index
action would give a list of abouts (abouts_url would link to it). If
you want to view an individual "about" then about_url(@about). To edit
it, edit_about_url(about). To update it, the form_for(@about) will
take care of the put method. Likewise, link_to "delete about",
about_url(about), :method => :delete will remove it. To create a new
one, new_about_url will get you there.
This is a bit of a perversion of map.resources. You probably want to
just consider this :controller/:action (which the default routes already