restful_authentication with --stateful option

I've been using restful_authentication for several months, and noticed there have been some security fixes so I figured it was time to upgrade. I ran into an error, and thought it might have been specific to the app I'm working on, but I tried creating an app from scratch and setting up restful_authentication and get the same error. Here's what I tired:

rails test_app cd test_app script/plugin install restful_authentication script/plugin install script/generate authenticated user sessions --include-activation -- stateful # configure database.yml rake db:migrate script/server

Then when I go to Profile - new - Ruby on Rails Discussions and try to sign up a new user, I get the following:

NameError (undefined local variable or method `record' for #<UsersController:0xb7be35ec>):     /app/controllers/users_controller.rb:21:in `create'

Has anyone else seen this? I'm running rails 2.0.2, and using the latest versions of the plugins as of today (2/6/2008). If I leave out the --stateful option, everything works, but of course I'm not using all of the acts_as_state_machine improvements to restful_authentication.

Thanks, Bruz

Hi Bruz,

Yes, I have the same problem and no solution yet.

NameError in UsersController#create undefined local variable or method `record' for #<UsersController: 0x2c516e0>

At least your post tells me that leaving out the -stateful option will work BUT I need this option.

Rgs euro


I was getting this problem too.

In UserController, change:

@user.register! if record.valid?


@user.register! if @user.valid?

Working fine for me now.

Hope that helps!

That did the trick! Somehow I figured that the error was just a symptom of a bigger problem, but in this case I guess it was just that one line of code. Thanks!