RESTful admin interface? how?


So I have a web site with companies and products. I use REST and make companies a resource and products a resource (and a 'sub-resource' of company). But only for viewing, no new, no create, no destroy, no update. Now I want to offer an admin interface that would be essentially the same but with an URL prefix of /my/ to the URL, same models, but that are viewed differently. Only the owned companies and products are shown (being logged in is a requirement for everything in /my/), the interface would be different, and it would allow create, destroy, update, etc. What is the RESTful way to do it?

Thank you.

Would you know any online resources or online tutorails that teach how to do this?


Yes, I've used to use that method in Rails 1.2, but I'm not sure it'll lead to proper RESTful resources now.

What do you exactly mean by "this"? If you mean learn RESTful Rails, I've learnt with Panel -

DHH talked about this in the RailsConf keynote, which you can read about here:

basically you add the following to your routes file:

  map.namespace :admin do |admin|     admin.resources :orders, :member => { :resend => :post }     admin.resources :users, :collection => { :filter => :any } end

#want to allow public access to certain methods for orders and users map.resources :orders, :users

then you'll have a admin/users_controller.rb and admin/orders_controller.rb files, as well as the public users_controller and orders_controller. Your restful paths will look like the following:

admin/users admin/users/new admin/users/edit

admin/orders/ admin/orders/edit etc

so you stick your index and show methods in your public users_controller, and put the admin index, create, update, etc, new, etc into the admin/users_controller.
