REST nested routes with has_one

Hi everyone,

I have 2 models:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :laboratory, :foreign_key => "pi_id" end

class Laboratory < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :pi, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "pi_id" end

I set the following routes (in routes.rb):

map.resources :laboratories map.resources :users, :has_one => :laboratory

All the routes are generated as expected, as demonstrated by rake routes. In particular:

user_laboratory GET /users/:user_id/laboratory {:controller=>"laboratories", :action=>"show"}

But if I try users/17/laboratory, I get a 'Couldn't find Laboratory without an ID' error. Someone could help me with this? In advance thank you very much. Yannis

Yannis Jaquet wrote:

But if I try users/17/laboratory, I get a 'Couldn't find Laboratory without an ID' error. Someone could help me with this?

In LaboratoriesController#show do you have:

@laboratory = Laboratory.find(param[:id])


if param[:user_id]   @laboratory = User.find(param[:user_id]).laboratory else   @laboratory = Laboratory.find(param[:id]) end


Mark Bush wrote:

In LaboratoriesController#show do you have:

@laboratory = Laboratory.find(param[:id])


if param[:user_id]   @laboratory = User.find(param[:user_id]).laboratory else   @laboratory = Laboratory.find(param[:id]) end


Hi Mark, Of course I had only @laboratory = Laboratory.find(param[:id]) I fixed it and it's working perfectly now. Thank you very much!!! Yannis