Ok, so this is the very very first time i use Ruby on Rails.
I’m developing a simple resource listing application
My question in simple: now to see a resource i would goto /resources/:id i want this to change to /resources/:permalink, with permalink being a
field in my resources table. How do i accomplish that?
This might help: http://www.railscasts.com/episodes/63
Also, is there a way to clean up the last 4 routes?
Use map.with_options :controller => “sessions” do |page| page.login “/login”, :action => “new”
page.logout "/logout", :action => 'destroy'
I completely invented map.index because i didn’t know how to see my resurces listing in /, instead of typing /resources.
If you are using Rails 2.0, you can use map.root . From the docs:
Use map.root
as a shorthand to name a route for the root path
# In routes.rb
map.root :controller => 'blogs'
# would recognize [http://www.example.com/](http://www.example.com/) as
params = { :controller => 'blogs', :action => 'index' }
# and provide these named routes
root_url # => '[http://www.example.com/](http://www.example.com/)'
root_path # => ''