Hi all,
I'm submitting a form using jQuery, but in the respond_to block only the format.html action is called.
This is the javascrip:
send_button.on('click', function(){ var form = $(this).closest('.modal').find('form');
$.post('/messages', form.serialize(), function(data, status, xhr){ console.log(data); }); ); });
However, when this hits the controller, 'console.log(data)' outputs html (either root_url or the validation array).
The code in the controller looks like:
respond_to do |format| if @m.save format.html {redirect_to root_url, :notice=>"Message sent"} format.json {render :json=>@m, :status=>:created, :location=>@m} else format.html {render :action=>:new} format.json {render :json=>@m.errors, :status=>:unprocessable_entity} end end
Obviously, I'm not using link_to_function or anything, so I'm wondering if the request format header isn't being set properly without using the built-in rails functions?
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks.