I am stucked at some major issue with the AjaxForm and render_to_string.
I am using AjaxForm for uploading images with other details since the Ajax Upload library isn’t even using Ajax. So once the form is submitted i need to call a partial and return it in a json format. but the problem is that the render_to_string is not working at all. In case if i am returning simple string then it’s working fine.
reference http://jquery.malsup.com/form/#file-upload
#server Ruby on rails def some_action respond_to do |format| @html = render_to_string(:partial => “form.html.erb”, :object => [@obj1, @obj2])
json = { :success => "Added successfully", :html => @html }
format.html { render :json => json }
end end
#client side $(“#upload”).ajaxForm({ dataType: “json”,
success: function(response) {
}); return false; });
Thanks for any help Abhis