The problem here is that you might not quite understandr what happens
when you do <%= some_helper%>
Erb basically calls that method, calls to_s on the result and sticks
it into the document, so the key thing here is getting your set_menu
helper to return the right thing
When you call render :partial => '...' a string is returned containing
the appropriate data. In ruby the value returned by a function is
whatever the last statement evaluated, ie the second call to render.
If you want to return the concatenation of those two things then you
need to stick them together yourself, eg
yes you are right...
But at first I thought that the problem was that it wasn't possible to
render partials at al.
(and I couldn't find the answer on google)
thanxs ! allot ...
and I hope to answer questions on this forum as soon as I have a better
understanding of ruby and rails.