Render - Missing Template

Sorry if you have had this problem many times before. I just can't seem to find the problem.

I have a budget controller with a create action like this:

def create

    # do some things

    if       redirect_to(period_budgets_path(period))     else       @budget = budget       @expense = budget.expense       @period = budget.period       render :action => "new"     end end

When I try to save an invalid budget, I get a missing template error. Sorry, I don't have the exact message with me now but it basically says 'missing template new.erb'.

I do have a new.html.erb so I am not sure what is going wrong.

If I use render :template => "budgets/new.html.erb"

That kind of works, but I get a strange URL of: http://localhost:3000/periods/1/budgets.%23<budget:0xb719b18c>

Why is render :action => "new" not working in my case?

Again, I am sorry if this group has been inundated with similar questions, I am just completely stuck!

Thank you!

render :template => "budgets/new.html.erb"

That kind of works, but I get a strange URL of:http://localhost:3000/periods/1/budgets.%23<budget:0xb719b18c>

I think this is actually the route of the problem - the post is going to this url, which rails is interpreting as someone requesting a document with a non html format.

What does your form look like ?
