In my application I'm trying to render a view from a class in /lib folder. I have found that it's very similar to render a view from console. So, I have tried different methods:
string = ActionView::Base.new.render( :inline => 'works', :layout => false )
=> "works"
string = ActionView::Base.new.render( :template => 'contr/index', :layout => false )
=> nil
string = ActionView::Base.new.render( :controller => 'contr', :action => 'index', :layout => false )
=> nil
string = ActionView::Base.new.render( :file => 'contr/index', :layout => false )
ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template contr/index.html.erb in view path
string = ActionController::Base.new.render( :template => 'contr/index' )
NoMethodError: protected method `render' called for #
So, nothing works except :inline templates. I saw a similar solution like ERB.new("Hello, <%= name %>").result(binding) - but it's not suitable for me because I need to read a template and then insert it here.
Could you suggest how can I render a template?