to summarize i have an action that takes a bunch of form params and looks at everything.. depending on what is provided it passes these params off to different actions. the code i had before put the unsaved active record object in the flash where its attr_accessors got nicely preserved where it was retrieved from the flash in the next action. worked well and got the job done, but caused me much grief trying to write a functional test for this (see my 'functional testing woes' topic for more details).. i've since tried to switch the code so instead of putting it in the flash i pass it along as params.. now why doesn't this work?
receive the params: @person = params[:person]
look at @person to determine which action to branch off to..
PROBLEM: redirect_to :action => 'branch1', :person => @person ^next action gets params[:person] => nil
tried this also: redirect_to :action => 'branch1', :person => params[:person] ^gets stringify keys error and params[:person] contains a big long string instead of actual hash
and tried this too: redirect_to :action => 'branch1', params ^it really hates this one
so how do i do this? should i just stick to my flash hackery?