rake rails:update:javascripts fails in 1.2

What's up with this?

$ rake rails:update:javascripts (in /var/www/apps/releases/20061027204658) rake aborted! undefined method `gem' for main:Object /var/www/apps/releases/20061027204658/Rakefile:4

You don't have a recent version of RubyGems installed. Install the latest and bliss will ensue.

> You don't have a recent version of RubyGems installed. Install the > latest and bliss will ensue.

Not really--now logs are filled with deprecation warnings about 'require_gem' or 'ruby_gem' or some such. From Mongrel I think.

Reinstall the gems that are whining about that. Mongrel and rake will whine until reinstalled.

It still didn't make my named routes problem blissful.

I've addressed that in another post.

Still, I'm impressed by your attitude. You have a problem, get help to mitigate that problem, then discover a smaller issue, and instead of being happy you're making progress, you're focusing all your energy on being angry.

Take a walk, read a magazine, jerk off, whatever it takes to get all that tension out of your system before you choose to engage in public discourse again.