Rake displays Can't connect local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'

i have a small problem every time i run "rake db:migrate" it shows me an error

Can't connect local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/ mysqld.sock' (2)'

can somebody help me?


its possible that either the socket is already in use or the the path for the socket is false..

these r the only 2 possiblities i guess


Dhaval Parikh Software Engineer www.railshouse.com sales(AT)railshouse(DOT)com

Thanks for replying,

What you said is actually very usefull because i didn't know why this could be happening, can you give me any tip of how i could solve the problem?

Do you have any idea how i can start soliving this problem?

Assuming that mysql is actually installed and running,

check that what you've got in database.yml (in the socket parameter) matches what's in /etc/my.cnf If database.yml doesn't specify the socket then it's probably falling back on some default, so set it to whatever is in my.cnf


Awesome, thanks it's working now, I specified the socket and it's working fine