Railties tests

Are the Railties tests current and passing at the moment? I ask because I found an old thread saying that they're neglected [1], but I can't find any recent discussions. -Nick

[1] http://tinyurl.com/acuhkr

Well, SOME of them are running and passing as of right now. See http://ci.rubyonrails.org/builds/rails , open Build Log, and search for RailTies. Look in /ci/ci_setup_notes.txt for a procedure to reproduce a working test environment.

-- Chad

Thanks, Chad. After reading through that, I'm wondering how one should run a specific RailTies test file, rather than the entire suite.

This approach seems to work, but spits out 39 warnings for me: rails/railties$ rake regular_test TEST=test/initializer_test.rb

This approach fails: rails/railties$ ruby test/initializer_test.rb test/initializer_test.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- abstract_unit (LoadError)   from test/initializer_test.rb:1

Any suggestions? -Nick

This approach fails: rails/railties$ ruby test/initializer_test.rb test/initializer_test.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- abstract_unit (LoadError)   from test/initializer_test.rb:1


ruby -Itest test/initializer_test.rb


or `rake TEST=test/initializer_test.rb`


Thanks Fred, that works!

Actually, that resulted in all of the tests in test/ being run: http://pastie.org/386208


After reading through railties/test/initializer_test.rb and other test files, I've noticed that there aren't any tests for reading the database configuration file, or for establishing the database connection.

This is my first time writing a patch for Rails. Thus, I'm not sure how to begin writing tests for changes that I make to the following methods: Rails::Initializer#initialize_database Rails::Configuration#database_configuration

When someone has a minute, would you mind pointing me to some docs, a tutorial, or explaining how I should approach this?

Thanks guys. Nick