Rails with SSL problem


I have Rails with ssl_requirement plugin running on red hat with apache and passenger. I got a commercial SSL certificate through godaddy.

I followed the SSL requirement doc and added "include SslRequirement " in application controller and ssl_required and ssl_allowed in the page controller.

The web app worked with http. But for pages that required access through https, I got the following error: Not Found The requested URL /yanrails/pages/resources was not found on this server.

If I changed back of not requesting access through https, that page will work fine.

So it may be some Rails config problem or apahe config problem? I am looking for suggestions. Quite a few people had the same problem, but nobody really provided a useful solution. (Or I cannot find one) Can anyone suggest anything?


Check out following links, these might help you



Thanks. I did follow the first article to set it up and I had this problem. The second one is for Suse. But from its example, I did those similar n red hat.

kitty00 wrote:

Thanks. I did follow the first article to set it up and I had this problem. The second one is for Suse. But from its example, I did those similar n red hat.

In your resourceful routes, did you add the following?

:requirements => {:protocol => 'https'}

No. Could you help me , what and where is supposed to add (the full line of code) into the routes.rb(I guess)? I am still new to ruby. Thank you!

Ok. I added map.resources :requirements => {:protocol => 'https'} at the bottom of routes.rb before end. restarted apache. I am still getting the same error.

Basically, I am trying to implement https for the entire site. Is there any other way to do this instead of using SSL?


Were you ever able to find a solution for your issue? I am having the same issue at you http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/goto_post/979136