Help setting up RoR SSL on Bluehost

I appreciate if anyone could help me to solve my problem. I already did this..

And this....

as a matter of fact the request is redirected to https ... with this..

# force SSL for all actions in a controller or for the entire application    def ssl_required?      true    end

But the aplication won´t appear. I mean it show what is on public_html ... Am I missing a link or something else?

I already try using this..

# Adds a filter that requires ssl.   # def self.require_ssl(options={})   # before_filter :require_ssl   # end

  #def require_ssl   # env['HTTPS'] = 'on' unless (@request.ssl? or local_request?)   #end

  #def require_ssl   # if !@request.ssl?   # redirect_to :protocol => "https://"   # end   #end

  #def require_ssl   # if ENV['RAILS_SSL'] == 'on'   # request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on'   # redirect_to :protocol => "https://"   # raise SSLRequiredError if !request.ssl?   # end   #end

But non of these makes redirection..only def ssl_required? makes redirection...

https is working... when I take out everything mentioning SSL .. the application works fine over http.

Any ideas?