RAILS_ROOT path definition

Kad Kerforn wrote:

testing my app locally I have no problem, but now I try to test it with my ISP (Bluehost)

and I have a problem with a path definition of a file I need to read initially in my application.rb

def geo_from_IP      geo_ip = GeoIP.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/data/GeoIPCityfr.dat") ....

raises an error : no such file to load -- geoip

the file exists actually and is located at :

my_home/ rails> myapp > data > GeoIPCityfr.dat

how and where RAILS_ROOT should it be defined ?

Note : as usal in ISP configuration, I have a link to myapp:

my_home / public_html > myapp ( link_to user_home/ rails> myapp )



no such file to load -- geoip

I get the idea that GeoIP hasn't been 'required'?

Hope this helps... Gustav Paul gustav@rails.co.za

Kad Kerforn wrote:

Gustav Paul wrote:
Kad Kerforn wrote:
raises an error : no such file to load -- geoip
my_home / public_html > myapp ( link_to user_home/ rails> myapp )

no such file to load -- geoip
I get the idea that GeoIP hasn't been 'required'?
Hope this helps...
Gustav Paul

thanks Gustav..
yes it has been required... the application.rb at my ISP is the same as the one I run locally (localhost) and it runs very well here.. the only difference is the remote ISP installation , with this f.. link I wrote to get it running :
cd ~/public_html/
ln -s /home/myusername/rails/myapp/public myapp
I tried to write at the beginning of my environment.rb
RAILS_ROOT = '/home/myusername/rails/pdm/'
but still I cannot read the GeoIP file

The gem should have a dir in


(atleast, that’s where I found mine, I’m a linux newbie though, so maybe you pro’s keep your stuff elsewhere :] )

there should be a /lib directory in there with either one .rb file (if you’re lucky) or more than one, or (as in the case of the JSON gem which I did this with earlier) one .rb which required a bunch of others in a lib/some_dir/ subdirectory…

Either, you should be able to just copy all the contents of the lib, paste them in RAILS_ROOT/lib/ and require them in environment.rb (or some similar file like application.rb maybe?). (in the case of the json gem, I needed only require the outermost one, it required the ones in the subdirectory by itself)

I hope this helps,


Gustav Paul

The gem should have a dir in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ (atleast, that's where I found mine, I'm a linux newbie though, so maybe you pro's keep your stuff elsewhere :] )

there should be a /lib directory in there with either one .rb file (if you're lucky) or more than one, or (as in the case of the JSON gem which I did this with earlier) one .rb which required a bunch of others in a lib/some_dir/ subdirectory...

Either, you should be able to just copy all the contents of the lib, paste them in RAILS_ROOT/lib/ and require them in environment.rb (or some similar file like application.rb maybe?). (in the case of the json gem, I needed only require the outermost one, it required the ones in the subdirectory by itself)   

Either *way*, sorry for the bad English! Gustav