Hello dear Rubyists,
I would like to program my homepage with Ruby on Rails. However, on my homepage web server, there seem to be some restrictions:
- Scripts are only executed when they reside inside the "/cgi-bin" directory. - Ruby scripts must end with ".rb"; the extension ".rhtml" is not recognized. - I am not sure if the Rails libraries are installed. Ruby itself seems to work though.
So, here come my questions. (First of all, I assume that I develop my homepage as a normal Rails application, just like all the Ruby beginner's guides tell me to.)
1. When my homepage is a regular Rails application, this would require that I can call something like "myserver.com/appname/action" or something - a special URL format. Is there any way that I can "map" this to something like: "myserver.com/cgi-bin/script.rb?appname=foo&action=bar" or so? I mean, can I make a regular Rails application work, based on the "/cgi-bin" script restriction? (I hope this was understandable.)
2. How do I find out if the Rails libraries are installed? (I don't have telnet or ssh access; I can just execute ".rb" scripts per HTTP, which I uploaded using FTP.)
3. If the Rails libraries are not installed, is there a simple way for me to upload them and use them in my Ruby scripts?
4. If all of that will not work out, what would be an easy, small change which I could request from my hoster, to make this work, whithout requiring them to change their whole webserver?
Thanks for Your attention. I am quite new to Ruby, so please don't expect from me to understand any elaborated concepts. But I'm also really keen on using RoR for my homepage, so I really hope I get this working.
Thanks, Madoc.