I recently deployed a new version of my application. Unfortunately, I accidentally placed a folder containing two partials in the wrong repository (I had copied them from another application), so when I deployed, they were not included. Once I discovered this, I added this folder and the two partials to the repository, then redeployed.
Now, however, the application continues to tell me that the view files are missing:
ActionView::TemplateError (Missing template dues/_unpaid.erb in view path app/views:vendor/plugins/railmail/app/views) on line #12 of app/ views/parents/show.html.erb:
Line 12 looks like this: <%= render :partial => 'dues/unpaid' if ! @parent.current_pt_org_member? %>
I have verified that the dues folder contain _unpaid.html.erb is in the apps/views folder.
It appears that it is looking for a .erb file instead of a .html.erb.
I deployed with capistrano and am using Passenger. I verified that the correct release was being pointed to by <app>/current and that Passenger had been restarted (I manually touched restart.txt a couple of times just to be sure).
If you have any thoughts, I would greatly appreciate the advice.
Thanks, Tom