Rails logger.silence on controller action

I've got a simple controller which is being hit every minute to monitor the website. I've read in a few places, and on this group as well that if you include a logger.silence around the code, it shouldn't appear in the log. With the controller below, I get log entries every time the action is called. I'm just wondering what I may be doing wrong.


CONTROLLER: class MonitController < ActionController::Base   session :off ## this is used by the monitoring scripts to see if the mongrel is up and running   def index     logger.silence do       render :text => 'success'     end   end end

LOG OUTPUT: Processing MonitController#index (for at 2007-01-23 12:18:45) [GET]   Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"monit"} Completed in 0.00349 (286 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00007 (2%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK [http:// /monit/index]

Just wondering if any solution was found for this - I'm in exactly the same position, looking to suppress Monit actions from appearing in my log. Wrapping the action in logger.silence seems to have no effect, nor does forcibly increasing the logger.level to try and filter it out.

I'm on Rails 1.1.6 - is it perhaps a 1.2+ thing only?

Cheers, Mike

Doesn't appear to be (even in 1.2+), other than monkey patching ActionController::Base#log_processing for your needs.

If you're doing this to see if Mongrel is up, why not write a simple handler and place it in config/mongrel.conf? This won't get logged anywhere, and is way faster than going to rails for it:

# lib/monit_handler.rb class MonitHandler < Mongrel::HttpHandler   def process(request, response)     response.start { |head, out| out.write("I'm up...") }   end end

# config/mongrel.conf uri "/monit", :handler => MonitHandler.new

Then in your production scripts, you need to pass in an extra switch to mongrel so it'll use config/mongrel.conf. If you're using mongrel cluster, add:

config_script: config/mongrel.conf

to your config/mongrel_cluster.yml

I did find a way around it. Putting a def logger end in the controller short circuits the logger from running and nothing is ever written to the log files. This has also had the added benefit of removing a large amount of memory usage for my application over time.

Also, I thought about going the mongrel handler route, but this works for now.

CONTROLLER: class MonitController < ActionController::Base   session :off ## this is used by the monitoring scripts to see if the mongrel is up and running   def index   end   def logger   end end