I just want to know what IDE's are being used for Rails development by
the people here. I had been using RadRails but it looks like there will
be no more releases of it.
I gave jEdit a spin, which has a lot of nice features, but I couldn't stand how it didn't automatically sync up the files in my project directory. I.e. I would have to manually import any new files created in that directory into the project which is obviously a problem when developing with Rails.
I'm liking netbeans (alphas). It's alot faster and smoother than
radrails, has somewhat good auto completion, it won't find active
record dynamic fields though. The only major thing it's laking for
rails is better .rhtml file support.
It's an alpha release though, so it's buggy, But for me at least all
the exceptions have been caught and not affected it running.