rails files are missing

I've built the slackware packages of rails.

rails path is: /frm/ruby/1.8.6/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8

RUBYLIB : /frm/ruby/1.8.6/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8:/frm/ruby/1.8.6/lib/ ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux/

I could created the rails application, but files are missing.

Config     - boot.rb, database.yml, environment.rb and routes.rb Public     - 404.html,500.html,dispatch.fcgi,favicon.ico,index.html,422.html, dispatch.cgi           and dispatch.rb

Script     - about, console, dbconsole, destroy, generate, plugin, runner,server Test     -test_helper.rb

I am getting below error on while creating the app.

No such file or directory - /usr/bin/../lib/rails_generator/generators/ applications/app/../../../../../fresh_rakefile

Please help

How did you install rails? I suggest you build gem from source using your customized install of ruby and then do

gem install rails

Also, is there any reason why you are not using the ruby which came standard with Slackware?
