rails environment in scripts dir

Is there an easy way I can write an independent script that gets the rails environment the way console does etc ? I've never seen this except through like backgroundrb etc

Is there an easy way I can write an independent script that gets the rails environment the way console does etc ? I've never seen this except through like backgroundrb etc

You could create say lib/foo.rb and within that have say:

class Foo    def self.bar      # do whatever you want to do and have access to all your models, etc.    end end

And run it with "./script/runner Foo.bar"

You could also do it as a rake task and have rake load up the environment...


Or require config/environment


Or another alternative is to create some runnable script and run it against the environment you want:

$ cat ./script/do_some_foo.runnable

puts " fetching all foo in #{RAILS_ENV} env:" Foo.find(:all).each do |foo|   // do something with foo ... end ...

$ ./script/runner ./script/do_some_foo.runnable   fetching all foo in development env: ...

$ ./script/runner -e production ./script/do_some_foo.runnable   fetching all foo in production env: ...


How long has script/runner been part of rails ? I guess either it was not well advertised or my learning of ruby/rails somehow overlooked that.

This guy posted something to that effect:

I've used activeresource and various other things that I would have used script/runner for instead ..