Anyone know how do I run a Ruby script within the Rails framework (like I was in ./script/console)???
That is, I could do the same things I can do in the Rails console (e.g. ./script/console), however I can write a script file for this. I have scripting some data fixes in mind.
thanks - so I’m guessing then that “runner” will look in the /lib directory to try to find your file where the class exists? i.e. how does it pick up your script file path/filename?
thanks - so I'm guessing then that "runner" will look in the /lib directory
to try to find your file where the class exists? i.e. how does it pick up
your script file path/filename?
# script/runner --help
Usage: script/runner [options] ('Some.ruby(code)' or a filename)
-e, --environment=name Specifies the environment for the
runner to operate under (test/development/production).
Default: development
Another approach is Rake. I don’t do it in the model un less it’s really part of the app.
namespace :setup do
desc “Set up initial roles in the database”
task :roles => :environment do
# Drop any roles that might already be in the table
puts "Removing any existing roles"
Role.all.each do |r|
r.destroy # forcing callbacks to cascade delete
puts "Creating roles..."
Role.create :name => "User"
Role.create :name => "Admin"
# some other Ruby / Rails related code
rake setup:roles
The key here is that => :environment in the test declaration that brings in your Rails environment.