Rails deployment/mongrel_cluster question

I've almost got my first Rails deployment up and running, but I'm a bit confused about the mongrel configuration. The AWDWR book talks about generating mongrel_cluster.yml and I've done that, but some other information I've read points to the spin script used by Capistrano for defining/starting the mongrel cluster. My Capistrano- based deployment seems to be correctly invoking spin to start the mongrels, but I'm wondering if the mongrel_cluster.yml file is relevant anymore. Of course I'm asking this because my Apache setup doesn't seem to want to redirect to the mongrels so I'm wondering if I've messed something up somewhere :slight_smile:

TIA, -- bb

did you compile apache (2.4+) with the mod_proxy_balancer option? you'll need that to use mongrel_cluster. In your apache config you need to add the balancer configuration and a few other declarations. Note that Apache 2.x and below don't have a mod_proxy_balancer. Try nginx if you're looking for a different front end web server.

I'ma afraid i don't have my usual mongrel + apache conf files here to paste but this was the tutorial that got me started the first time


good luck!


Hi Joe, thanks for the help. I did have a back-level version of Apache without the mod_proxy_balancer support. Upgraded Apache and all is working now. Thanks again.