Rails 3 Problem: no such file to load -- rails (LoadError)

I just ran the gem bundle on the third_rails demo app, but for some reason rails can't be loaded!?

kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ rails -v Rails 3.0.pre

kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ script/ generate model Post name:string /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/boot.rb: 71:in `require': no such file to load -- rails (LoadError)   from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/ boot.rb:71:in `load_initializer'   from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/ boot.rb:44:in `run'   from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/ boot.rb:16:in `boot!'   from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/ boot.rb:148   from script/generate:2:in `require'   from script/generate:2 kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ script/ console /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/boot.rb: 71:in `require': no such file to load -- rails (LoadError) ...


You need to bundle your rails into the Rails 3 app. Did you do that?

Also make sure that if you use multiple versions of Ruby, you will need either to re-bundle your gems under the one you decided to use after switching, or to add a symlink in vendor/gems/ruby.

Hope it solves the problem.


I just ran the gem bundle on the third_rails demo app, but for some

reason rails can’t be loaded!?

kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ rails -v

Rails 3.0.pre

kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ script/

generate model Post name:string


71:in `require’: no such file to load – rails (LoadError)

    from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/

boot.rb:71:in `load_initializer’

    from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/

boot.rb:44:in `run’

    from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/

boot.rb:16:in `boot!’

    from /Users/kristianconsult/my_rails/rails3_apps/third_rails/config/


    from script/generate:2:in `require'

    from script/generate:2

kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ script/



71:in `require’: no such file to load – rails (LoadError)


If you’ew using Rails 3.0.pre, then I would recommend doing the following:

  1. follow the instructions here first


a) see if similar ticket exists here


b) if (a) exists, then add your comments to that ticket. Otherwise, please file another ticket providing the following:

  • ruby version (i.e. ruby -v)

  • OS version

  • the exact steps to recreate the issue in a understandable stepwise format

Lastly, I would recommend the above steps for all people interested using Rails 3.0.pre because these types of issues

need to be made aware to the Rails core team.

Good luck,
