Rails 3 requires bundler to be installed, but bundler can't be installed
on Debian lenny because the gem version 1.2 is too old, an attempt
update is also failed, any idea?
# gem update --system
ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
gem update --system is disabled on Debian. RubyGems can be updated
using the
official Debian repositories by aptitude or apt-get.
1) don't use Debian
2) don't rely on *any* brain-dead, perpetually out-of-date package
management system
3) remove anything ruby/rails-related from your system and install
fresh from source
1) don't use Debian
2) don't rely on *any* brain-dead, perpetually out-of-date package
management system
3) remove anything ruby/rails-related from your system and install
fresh from source
Au contraire - I see so many cases of people struggling with problems
directly caused by "the Debian way" of packaging 3rd-party software
(not just Ruby-related).
The OP's problem is exactly that; pointing it out is hardly a "troll".
Hassan, so you deploy your applications on a macbook pro, do you?
Nine out of ten apps are deployed onto a Linux machine; the majority of those are Ubuntu(Of course, Debian based). That means you need to figure out how to make rubygems work nicely there. You can install rubygems from source, or you can install upgrade_rubygems which essentially does the same thing. Both of these circumvent the package management system; not a good idea.
The correct way to do it is to use backports. For Debian you can get to rubygems 1.3.4 by using this backport:
Foing outside the package management system is almost always a bad move. As soon as you do that it is much more difficult to backup and replicate that machine.
Hassan, so you deploy your applications on a macbook pro, do you?
No, I develop primarily on a Mac, but I deploy (mostly) to Linux. No
Ubuntu, though
Both of these circumvent the package management system; not a good
Foing outside the package management system is almost always a bad move. As
soon as you do that it is much more difficult to backup and replicate that
Well, that's where we disagree; I don't use the package management
system for anything specific to my application. I certainly don't need
someone else determining that I should run some down-level hacked
up version of the software I want.
And I see no reason that implies any problems with either backup or
replication of a system. At least, that hasn't been my experience.