Rails 3 - Helping with a Commenting Module

class CommentsController < ApplicationController

          def create

            @commentable= context_object()         @comment = @commentable.comments.build(params[:comment].merge(:user_id => current_user.id))

        if @comment.save           respond_to do |format|            format.js           end         else           render :action => 'new'         end       end


      def context_object         params[:constraint] [:context_type].singularize.classify.constantize.find( context_id )       end

      def context_id         params["#{ params[:constraint][:context_type].singularize } _id"]       end


This commenting module has served me well but I ran into a hitch this morning, possibly because of my use of nested resources. Essentially, I now have a URL like:


When I comment on that page, I get the error:

    ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Project without an ID):       app/controllers/comments_controller.rb:102:in `context_object'       app/controllers/comments_controller.rb:14:in `create'

My routes file looks like:

  resources :projects do     resources : albums do       resources :attachments     end   end

    resources :attachments do         resources :comments, :only => [:create, :update,:destroy], :constraint => {:context_type => "conversations"}     end

Any ideas on how I can get the commenting module to play nicely with commenting on `project>Album>Attachment ?`

Thanks for the input,