[Rails 3.2] nested instance not updated ...

I have a nested model Place => Geolocation

class Place < ActiveRecord::Base

has_one :geolocation, :dependent => :destroy

accepts_nested_attributes_for :geolocation, :reject_if => :all_blank, :allow_destroy => true

attr_accessible :geolocation_attributes

class Geolocation < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :place

[SOLVED] in my functional test I had a bad :put ,

assert_difference [ ‘Place.count’, ‘Geolocation.count’ ], 0 do

put :update, :id => @place[:id],

:geolocation_attributes => {

street_address: @street_address,

postal_code: @postal_code,

city: @city,

country: @country }


when I should have added the :place => { :geolocation_attributes => { !!

assert_difference [ ‘Place.count’, ‘Geolocation.count’ ], 0 do

put :update, :id => @place[:id], :place => {

:geolocation_attributes => {

street_address: @street_address,

postal_code: @postal_code,

city: @city,

country: @country }



updating correctly now