Issues when updating nested attributes in rails


I am having some issues when updating an object that has a nested attribute.

My model objects are:


    class User < ActiveRecord::Base       has_one :portal_user

      accepts_nested_attributes_for :portal_user

      validates_presence_of :username     end


    class PortalUser < ActiveRecord::Base       belongs_to :user,:dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :user_id     end

I have got the action `update` defined in the User controller like this:

    class UsersController < ApplicationController       # PUT /users/1       # PUT /users/1.xml       def update         @user = User.find(params[:id])

        respond_to do |format|           if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])             format.html { redirect_to(@user, :notice => 'User was successfully updated.') }             format.xml { head :ok }           else             flash[:error] = "Error while updating personnal information."             format.html { render :action => edit_profiles_path }             format.xml { render :xml => @user.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }           end         end       end     end

The update action for the PortalUser controller is also defined:

    class PortalUsersController < ApplicationController

      def update         @portal_user = PortalUser.find(params[:id])

        respond_to do |format|           if @portal_user.update_attributes(params[:portal_user])             format.html { redirect_to(@portal_user, :notice => 'PortalUser was successfully updated.') }             format.xml { head :ok }           else             flash[:error] = "Error while updating PortalUser."             format.html { render :action => edit_profiles_path }             format.xml { render :xml => @portal_user.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }           end         end       end


And finally I have a `Profile` controller that hosts the nested form:

    class ProfilesController < ApplicationController       def edit         # Note: I am using a hard coded Id on purpose.         @user = User.find(980190962)       end     end

View of the Profile's action `edit`:

    <%= form_for @user do |f| %>

              <%= f.fields_for :portal_user do |f_portal_user| %>                 <%= f_portal_user.label :firstname %> <br/>                 <%= f_portal_user.text_field :firstname %> <br/>

                <%= f_portal_user.label :lastname %> <br/>                 <%= f_portal_user.text_field :lastname %> <br/>               <% end %>

              <%= f.label :username %> <br/>               <%= f.text_field :username %><br/>

              <%= f.fields_for :portal_user do |f_portal_user| %>                 <%= f_portal_user.label :phone %> <br/>                 <%= f_portal_user.text_field :phone %><br/>

                <%= f_portal_user.label :cellular_phone %> <br/>                 <%= f_portal_user.text_field :cellular_phone %><br/>               <% end %>

              <%= submit_tag "Update" %>       <% end %>

When I go to the edit page, I can see the information of the user (both @user and @portal_user) loaded into the form but when I edit the form and send the update nothing happens!

To help you discover the origin of my problem here is the 'trace' (in this I tried to rename to change the username field from *Amokrane* to *amk*:

    Started POST "/users/980190962" for at 2011-02-13 19:38:05 +0100       Processing by UsersController#update as HTML       Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"UA +dbbmwZKpbNYscIvEsqPFwlBkr7yEok1xpYP3/T6k=", "user"=>{"portal_user_attributes"=>{"firstname"=>"Amokrane", "lastname"=>"Chentir", "id"=>"980190962", "phone"=>"", "cellular_phone"=>"0668002010"}, "username"=>"amk"}, "commit"=>"Update", "id"=>"980190962"}       User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 980190962) LIMIT 1       SQL (0.1ms) BEGIN       PortalUser Load (0.3ms) SELECT `portal_users`.* FROM `portal_users` WHERE (`portal_users`.user_id = 980190962) LIMIT 1       SQL (0.2ms) ROLLBACK       SQL (0.1ms) BEGIN       SQL (0.1ms) ROLLBACK     DEPRECATION WARNING: Giving a path to render :action is deprecated. Please use render :template instead. (called from realtime at /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb: 309)     Rendered profiles/edit.html.erb within layouts/application (15.1ms)     Completed 200 OK in 215ms (Views: 23.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)

It could be something obvious given I am relatively new to rails!

Thank you!

Ok! I have just found where the problem was! I had some additional validations written in my PortalUser model and it was updating because I wasn't filling all the necessary fields.